What an amazing experience and life changing modality. I am so grateful I found you Tati and Family Constellation.
Each constellation was incredibly powerful and inspiring to both watch and participate in. Reflecting back over the 8-week journey I can see how the subtle shifts have bought such amazing changes in my life with my family and relationships with others. I felt like a lot of deep-seated issues and emotions were shifted and a feeling of lightness and peace is being experienced more often.
Family Constellations has helped me recognize that we can unconsciously carry unhealthy generational dynamics, beliefs and fears that can influence our daily choices. We do have the choice to continue them or empower ourselves to evolve by making wonderful new changes for a better life.
I am more conscious of limiting family beliefs and relationship dynamics that I had taken on as my own and had made life so difficult. I also rejoice in the strengths of my ancestors and carry their contribution to my life with greater pride and understanding.
It is incredible that such a gentle technique could create such positive changes in my thoughts and feelings and what is even more amazing is the changed attitudes of family members that I believe was influenced by my participation in the constellations.
I can honestly say I have never felt more respected, safe and supported by a group of strangers. This was all due to your amazing ability to create incredible warmth, love, kindness and understanding in a safe space for the group with such sensitivity.
I am so excited to see what unfolds next!
Thank you Tati!