Celebrating your womanhood and goddess May not be as easy as we would like to imagine it…
On the 22 and 23 of October we will be visiting our past, the moment when we evolved from being a GIRL to WOMAN a and have the opportunity to offer ourselves the support that may have been missing then.
Sacred Menstruation is the theme of this workshop and if you are carrying symptoms in regards to it you will gain insight of the message it offers.
How would it be if you connect with your ancestors to feel nurtured to re- right, re - write and re Rite the passage into our Womanhood.
We have a small intimate group of sisters to support each other and connect with ourselves and each other to heal old and habitual hurts through Systemic Constellation and The Maidens blessing ceremony with Katrina Lanigan the matriarch medicine woman..
The circle is limited to 10 sisters participating in the soul healing and we request to attend both days for maximum benefit.
To book please contact me or Stevie Jade or Rachael by phone.
The first 10 women can enter this deep personal celebration. There is no need to share the story if you prefer to be private.