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Riding the Chaos of Life's Challenges ONLINE series

  • Sea of Harmony ONLINE , QLD, Australia (map)

During changing times, not only because of the Pandemic or Catastrophies, Natural Disaster, we find ourself challenged, overwhelmed and confused.

In this Series of workshops We, Linda Kerton and Tatjana Hannan will be facilitating a safe process to experience with our felt sense how to strengthen , explore and face what comes next and becoming curious about what is unfolding in our future to become more resilient and at ease.

We remember the skills and resources we already have and become open for what is to come.

You can attend the series of 3 workshops for A$ 100or each seperately for A$40.

please contact Tatjana via FB messenger, Whatsapp or by phone to find out more.

Here to find out more about Linda's Work