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Guided Drawing- Somatic Art Therapy day in Arthur Bay Beach House.

  • Sea of Harmony , QLD, Australia (map)

Guided drawing is a Somatic Art Therapy process.

Through accompaniment; containment of the field; and movement out of the body, trauma finds a way to heal itself.

Similar to Family and Systemic Constellation processes, the healing impulse is “alive and at work” given the right conditions.

In Guided drawing the images show the phases of healing and re-organisation.

The sequential images made by the hands comprise the narrative from the nervous system’s and psyche’s perspective bringing coherence and order to our lived experience.  

Here the body can :

- tell its own story

- find its own healing movements

-release trapped fight/flight impulses

-internalise grounding and soothing to regulate itself

-find resources to stabilise itself to go deeper

-can clear debris for which there are no words

-restore temporal order and integrate meaning


Participants will gain:

Hands on experience as a client

Feel the power of therapeutic process to shift emotion

Learn ‘How to’ accompany

Explore archetypal movements and shapes

Window of tolerance

Transformation Journey


Art materials all supplied/included